Ain Hanschmidt: there is no escape from ambition

Ain Hanschmidt, head of the Central Employers' Confederation's economic working group For the umpteenth year, there is only one effective remedy for a declining economy, declining competitiveness of companies and the economic space, and international business that has become more unfavourable for us - we must choose...

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Kai Realo: Estonia's loss of competitiveness says economy must be put in focus

The continuing deteriorating competitiveness of the Estonian economy and the ongoing economic downturn speak of the fact that we as a country must focus on strengthening the competitiveness of the economy, emphasises Kai Realo, chairwoman of the council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation. It can only happen...

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Ain Käpp: Our goal is to represent Estonia through exceptional hospitality.

The common ambition of the hospitality sector is to constantly increase exports through inbound tourism. Before the cluster crises, which have hit tourism the hardest compared to other sectors, tourism accounted for a third of services exports. We work in Estonia...

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Parties to the economic agreement seek common ground

Businesses and the political parties that shape the business environment have the greatest common ground in the development of the economy in understanding the importance of the economy. However, there is no consensus on what needs to be done to develop a competitive economy and how to measure it....

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Step by country #6 - What will electricity cost in 2030?

The Chancellor of the Ministry of Climate Change, Keit Kasemets, and the Deputy Chancellor for Mineral Resources, Jaanus Uigaga, explained to the members of the Employers' Confederation that it is a third less than today. In order to stimulate economic growth and increase competitiveness, it is important that the state ensures...

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