There are already plenty of ideas for growth. Let's make them happen!

Andri Haran, head of the Engineering Industries Association, Kaili Vohnje, head of the engineering company MDC MAX Daetwyler.

There is no need for the country to find or invent any new ideas to develop a competitive economic space. The existing plans are good enough, they should now be implemented, say entrepreneurs in the Employers' Hour.

What are the first steps entrepreneurs should take to reverse the downturn, what are Estonia's long-term advantages in international competition, what steps companies need to take to increase their competitiveness and how bureaucracy is stifling entrepreneurship are discussed by Ats Albre, CEO of Nortal Estonia and President of the Estonian Association of Information Technology Enterprises, Kaili Vohnje, CEO of MDC Max Daetwyler Estonia and Andri Haran, CEO of the Association of the Engineering Industry. They also stress that the call for more ambition, made on behalf of the Confederation of Employers and other business federations, needs to be followed up not only by business but also by politics. The host is Rivo Sarapik.

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